Acrylic is originated from a famous international chemical laboratory of a research firm. Acrylic passed the quality test of selecting gradients and production. The court flooring coated with acrylic is non-cracking, colorfast, good-looking, long-lifespan and easy to maintain. The general characteristics of court coated with acrylic are environmental-friendly, completely devoid of asbestos, lead or mercury, resistant to ultra-violet rays, long lasting colors, fadeless, not peeling off. It is easy and cheap to maintain, durable under any weather. There are a range of colors available, including blue, red, dark green, light green and so on. Its lifespan is about 6 years above. The lifespan can be longer if the quality is excellent. Excellent ball rebound velocity function of the top coat can
View detailsAddress:广州市番禺区番禺大道北555号天安总部中心14号楼1011室 湖北生产基地:湖北省石首市金平工业园康庄大道136号